
Health professionals worldwide are continuing to encourage all of us to eat our way to optimum health. Many doctors, specifically cardiologists, agree with vocal dieticians who insist that the most powerful medicine is food.

A plant-based diet not only increases overall health and vitality, but it has proven to help reduce the rate of heart attacks. Medical literature does not suggest that we avoid any one food group, such as meat or dairy. A diet that is varied and interesting encourages all of us to stay on track. The keys seem to be moderation . . . and plenty of vegetables!

Several large studies have examined the relationship between the eating habits and the chronic diseases of the study participants who suffered from those disorders. Many, including two of the largest of these trials, found that people who ate eight or more servings of vegetables daily were 30 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those participants who ate one and one-half or fewer servings.

To keep our diets interesting and optimally healthy, we should eat at least five cups (or better yet, 8 cups) of fruits and vegetables each day, every day. This month’s Veggie Delight Gourmet Pizza from your favorite Pizza of the Month Club can help you tastefully achieve that goal!


It All Adds Up!

Breakfast or snack on the go? Blend fruits and veggies into blender smoothies for an easy change of pace.

A great deal of the nutritional value in both fruits and vegetables lies in their skins or peels. Whenever possible, do not peel. (But be sure to thoroughly wash and rinse everything with water before peeling or eating.)

Edible plants and fruits of all descriptions lend the most benefit to our bodies when eaten uncooked. When you do cook vegetables in water, use that water as a base for soups and stews, to make sauces and gravies, etc. It’s packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Take a Close Look at this Month’s Pizza Selections . . . Please see individual pizza labels for how to bake the perfect CHICAGO DEEP DISH PAN CRUST PIZZA.

#1  VEGGIE DELIGHT GOURMET PIZZA- The pan crust is covered with our sweet creamy Alfredo Sauce, made with heavy cream, Romano cheese, butter, eggs, flour and salt. Beneath the Mozzarella, you’ll find Fresh Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Red Onions!

#2  SWEET SHRIMP GOURMET PIZZA- Fresh Shrimp, Pineapple Chunks and Sharp Cheddar Cheese are garnished with The Gourmet Pizza Club’s famed pizza sauce – the one with all the tomatoes, onions, salts, spices, garlic, oils, Romano, Chablis, etc.

#3  TACO GOURMET PIZZA- mozzarella blankets the Spiced Ground Beef and Pork, Light Jalapeño Peppers and Onions. The perfect sauce? Taco Sauce, boasting refried beans, tomato paste, Jalapeño, salt, garlic and other spices.

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Clubs of America
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