

The country of Honduras is a suitable location for coffee harvesting. The soil, climate and conditions there are the same as neighboring countries perhaps more recognized in the worldwide coffee arena.

There is a wide range of coffee quality from Honduras. The country can produce a lower-cost Central American blender coffee as well as high-grown specialty lots that rival more popular Central American coffees. This particular type is more complex than its HG counterpart, thus making it rank as a specialty coffee.

In the past, Honduran coffee growers trafficked their beans into Guatemala, where they would sell for a higher price because of Guatemala’s coffee reputation. After government tax on coffee exports started to play a role in the coffee business, the country boosted production and dramatically improved their coffee quality. Since then, demand has increased and selling coffee across the border has become unnecessary.

Presently, coffee producers and the Honduran government have made it a mission to further improve the quality. Laws have been passed giving fiscal incentives to coffee producers and highways have been built to access remote coffee growing regions.

SHG (Strictly High Grown) specifies that the coffee was grown at an altitude around 1350 meters. Coffee grown at a higher altitude and lower temperature produces a slower maturing fruit and a denser bean, which creates a more desirable specialty cup. This classification is higher than HG.

EP (European Preparation) specifies that the raw beans are hand sorted to remove any defective beans and foreign material.

What’s in your cup from Honduras? Quality coffee that has a fruity fragrance that will light up your day! And it is lively acidic, with orange nuances to its velvety taste. Soft bodied with a smooth finish, it’s one great cup of coffee. Enjoy!


The high nitrogen content in coffee grounds actually burns their feet. Put Mother Nature to work! Sprinkle coffee grounds near doorways and bugs won’t cross the line to invade your home.


Ruvuma is a region in southwestern Tanzania, named after the Ruvuma River which flows along the southern border with Mozambique. For some time, Ruvuma has produced high quality coffee, but the combined inaccessibility of the region, poor infrastructure and uncertain political situations have prevented this coffee from consistently reaching the international market.

These unfortunate circumstances seem to be changing to some extent, and the farmers in the area as well as the coffee consumers are all benefiting. New and refurbished pulperies have been able to pay the farmer the same price he would have received if he had processed the coffee at home. In return, they have been able to take better care in tending and harvesting the coffee.

As you enjoy this month’s selection from Tanzania, you may recall these facts: The varietal is Arusha, Bourbon;

grown at 3,900 to 5,900 feet above sea level in Nyamtimbo-Songea Ruvuma in South Tanzania. The coffee was wet processed, then both sun and mechanically dried on patios. Harvested from June through October, exports of this coffee take place from November through the month of March.

SUMMERTIME TREAT: A COFFEE COCKTAIL! — Iced Vanilla Coffee Cocktail —

This comforting iced coffee cocktail offers a hint of calming vanilla . . .  Place the following ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled halfway with ice, and shake well. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and enjoy.

2 oz. strongly brewed coffee, 1-1/2 oz. vodka or vanilla vodka, 1 oz. milk, Dash of vanilla extract, 1/2 oz. simple syrup  (To make the simple syrup, combine 1/2 c. water with 1/4 c. sugar. Boil, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved. Let cool. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to six months.)

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